Ballot Design - Slates

Approve or reject a list of candidates

MeganA avatar
Written by MeganA
Updated over a week ago

ElectionBuddy is designed to be usable for the approving or disapproving of a slate.


You can set up a question for a slate by following this process:

  • From the Ballot Page select Yes or No as the "Position or Question Type". You could also use the "Referendum or Polls" option; you just want to ensure that your voting system is set to "Plurality".

  • Add your Question Title and Choices from the pop-up window.

  • Then add your slate by selecting "Add question information", and input a list of the candidates on the slate:

  • You can also include additional information, or additional instructions, in the "Voter Instructions" box, underneath the "Settings" bar.

  • Use the rich text editor to format your text if needed.

Example Ballot

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.

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