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Voting Systems and Methods
A voting system or electoral system is a set of rules that determine how elections and referendums are conducted and how their results are determined
Voting Systems and Calculating WinnersAn overview of voting systems
Plurality VotingAlso known as First Past the Post
Preferential VotingAlso known as Ranked Voting, Instant Runoff Voting or Ranked-Choice Voting or the Alternative Vote
Single Transferrable Voting (STV)Also known as Preferential Voting with Multiple Vacancies
Approval VotingWinner receives the most approvals from voters
Scored VotingIncludes Rating Scale, Likert Scale and Dot voting
Nomination VotingAlso known as announcement or nomination period
Cumulative VotingAlso known as Split Voting, Dot Voting, or Multi-voting
Cumulative Voting SetupAlso known as multi-voting, dot-voting, or split voting
Condorcet VotingAlso known as Pairwise Tallying using a Ranked Choice Ballot
Borda CountRun and tally a Borda count using ElectionBuddy
Absentee BallotsSolutions for Absentee Voting