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Managing the Vote
Managing the Vote

Administering the running vote

Preview BallotPreview the ballot during setup when the vote is Ready, Running, or Closed.
Editing Your Vote when it is "Ready " or "Running"The protocol for making edits during these vote stages
Adding Voters During a Live Vote Without Access KeysOptions for when you do not have additional access keys
Unsubscribing from Electronic NoticesWhen voters unsubscribe from email or SMS notices
Changing or Extending Dates and TimesUpdate your vote's scheduled end date and time
Manually Starting or Ending VotingOpen or close voting outside of a specific schedule
Edit Voter Contact Information After the Vote Has StartedUpdate a voter's Email or SMS number while the vote is running
Closing a Vote EarlyManually close a vote.
Changing Voters Ability to View ResultsEditing Voter Access to Results setting when vote is running or completed.
Spoiling a BallotRemove an ineligible ballot
Submitting Paper BallotsEntering a Ballot When Using Printed Ballots
Real-Time Progress WidgetAllow others to monitor the vote's progress
Kiosk Mode for Onsite VotingSet up a voting kiosk using ElectionBuddy
Surfacing an Access KeyManually provide a voter their voting credentials
Voter Email and SMS RemindersSend a reminder to voters that have not yet cast their ballot
Sending a Reminder to a Single Voter on Your Voter ListSend individual reminders
What to Do if Your Voter Did Not Receive Their Email NoticeHow to help voters receive their email notice
Printing Individual BallotsPrint a single paper ballot for a voter
Voter Status During Live VotingDifferent Voter Statuses During a Live Vote
Voter List - "Undeliverable" Voter StatusDetermine why a notice is undeliverable
Seeing if Voters have VotedMonitor your voters' status during the running vote
Performing a Runoff VoteHow to setup a runoff
Adding Voters after a Vote has StartedHow to add new voters to a live vote
Last 3 votes cast show as "Not Voted"Learn more about this security feature to protect voter anonymity
Filtering Voter List InformationAnalyze voter list information